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How to Make a Website

Learn how a website works and how to make one

Learn how to create your own website today!

Nowadays, many resources and favorite brands have a website. You can easily find information or browse catalogs at the click of a link. But we don’t see all the technological aspects that work together to allow you to browse a page from a simple URL. We’ll briefly explain what most are, how they work, and how you too can set up your own website.

What is a website and what is needed to make one?

A website is essentially a server or computer identified by a domain with a collection of files containing the actual content you see. For a website, you’ll need 3 things:

  • a domain
  • a web host
  • and content.

Website – Firstly, a website needs a domain. A domain is an alias used to access the website easier instead of using its IP address. For example can be Domains consist of many tlds such as:

  • .com
  • .org
  • .net
  • .pro
  • .info

and many others. They can be purchased from a domain registrar, who manages the registration and correlation between the domain and IP. Some web host providers also offer free domains for their premium plans.

Namesilo↗ is a top registrar that offers cheap prices on registration and web hosting.

Web Host – Secondly, a website also needs a web host. You can host a website on most servers, but its best to buy a subscription from a reliable web hosting company for stability and up-time. They provide dedicated shared space and allocated resources to users. As your website grows, you can always upgrade to premium plans or self host on a rented server for better handling and website performance.

Content – Thirdly, a website will need content. Along with the design, template, and structure, ths include pages, posts, images, etc. A site is just a collection of files with code with small sections of this code containing the actual content you see. If you’re not an expert in coding or know how to create a template, you can either purchase or use a free one.

There are also many different frameworks and content management systems available like WordPress that provide a portal for the management of configuration, templates, pages, media, accounts and more so you can focus on actual content.

Top Free / Premium Web Host

Depending on your goal, you need a host that fulfills your needs. For most new sites, basic plans are enough and many hosts allow you to upgrade mid-month. Make sure to research, review the befits and terms, and take advantage of trials so you know it’s a good fit.

Hostinger is a great host with both free and premium plans. Their free hosting comes with a free subdomain and allows you to host one site, allowing a basic or WordPress page. All through a simple dashboard and great for testing or starting out before commitment. They also have a premium plans offering great benefits including managed WordPress based hosting, e-mail features, and a free domain name for a few bucks a month ($1.99-$4.99) on an annual plan.

Hostinger is a great host with both free and premium plans. Their free hosting comes with a free subdomain and allows you to host one site, allowing a basic or WordPress page. All through a simple dashboard and great for testing or starting out before commitment. They also have a premium plans offering great benefits including managed WordPress based hosting, e-mail features, and a free domain name for a few bucks a month ($1.99-$4.99) on an annual plan.

Learn more about their plans and benefits here↗.

How can I make a website?

There are many options to creating your website. You can self host, use our website development services or choose an external provider for free or premium hosting. Depending on the time you can dedicate to your website, there are many hosts that allows you to easily manage your website and emails through a dashboard.

Tools in their dashboard or control panel, such as an auto installer, can install the most popular applications in a matter of clicks with a base or content management system like WordPress hat has an easy-to-navigate admin dashboard so you can quickly focus on your actual site and content.

Hostinger and Interserver, for example, offer an auto installer, which assists in completing a base website installation within a few clicks.

WordPress is a great option for new website owners and has lots of benefits you can take advantage. Some include simple editing and customizing of pages and posts, access to thousands of themes/plugins, full control of sections from a single dashboard, and much more. For a detailed guide with visuals on how to set up WordPress on your website through your host or on your own, read our Create a WordPress Website tutorial.

If you’re not sure where to start or are looking for a custom solution that fits you or your business’ needs, contact us.

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