Test the condition of your smartphone, tablet or computer battery. It can help you check its capacity, remove doubts of battery health, confirm any issues if with your charging cord or port, and help in understanding causes for quick battery discharge.
On Windows, you can generate a system battery report to see your battery health information. To run the report:
- Press the Start button (or Windows key) and type in cmd (or command prompt)
- Open and type in:
powercfg /batteryreport
It will output a message like “Battery life report saved to file path C:\Users\YourUsername\battery-report.html” exporting a file to your users folder with details about your battery like total capacity (total available charge limit when new) and current capability (total possible limit today).
To check your battery health on Mac, open the Battery Health app:
- Click the Apple menu on top bar
- Click System Settings
- Click Battery in the sidebar
- Click Battery Health
iPhone or iOS
On iPhone (or iOS devices such as the iPad), see your current phone’s battery health in the Settings app.
- Go to Settings
- Go to Battery
- Press Battery Health & Charging
You’ll find information about it’s health, peak performance, and if service is recommended for your battery.
Find Apple tips on maximizing and extending your battery’s health on their official batteries page here.
Many Android devices have a battery information section allowing you to see the health as a percentage.
You can usually find it in the Settings app >> Battery.
There are also third-party apps in the Play Store that offer this capability, though be wary of ones bloated with ads, subscriptions, or other unnecessary additions.
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