What is an IP?
An Internet Protocol (IP) address is a unique address, usually a string of numbers (or letters for newer versions), that allows a device to communicate within a network. All devices connected to the internet, from smartphones and mini PCs to smart appliances and TVs, need an IP for an internet connection.

Types of IP
There are two types of IP, private IP and public IP. Your private IP allows your device to communicate locally within a network for resource access, including connecting to the internet. Your public IP is the address your device uses to access the internet web. For example, in a home network, your router may assign private IP addresses to your devices while sharing a single public IP for internet access.
There are two types of public IP: IPv4 (most common in 4 sets of digits) and IPv6 (newer, designed to help accommodate growing number of devices). Many networks assign both to accommodate devices or online services that may not yet have the IPv6 compatibility.
This tool helps you identify your public IP addresses for your information, or other reasons such as network configuring or troubleshooting with your ISP (internet service provider).
What is my IP?
Your IP address is only visible to you, and no information is stored. When you click the “Get IP” button, the tool retrieves your device’s public IP address directly from the internet.
You can also utilize another web tool like Cloudflare Radar to see more insight and information included with your public IP address.