Starting an Email Newsletter List

Building an email newsletter can be a great way to stay connected to your audience.

Utilizing a Tool

Collecting emails manually then manually sending individual emails can be a hassle. Especially as your website grows. There are many email marketing tools available that centralize email newsletter lists without the hassle. Instead of just the collecting, you can also use their tools to manually send emails as needed.

There are some popular tools that also include a free plan to test out their services:

Integrate Within Your Website and Socials

If you use a website, you may have a contact form where users can contact you. If you also collect emails this way, you can then enter them into your email marketing tool (or set up a connection through coding for experienced users).

If you use a content management system like WordPress, your tool may have a plugin integrated.

These tools also offer options for integrations within social media networks and communication apps.


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