ChatGPT’s AI Chat Now a Phone Call (or Message) Away

ChatGPT is now available on voice! OpenAI, the company behind the popular generative AI (artificial intelligence) chatbot ChatGPT, has announced that they have released an version of their AI accessible through phones calls or WhatsApp messaging.

The number, 1800-ChatGPT (phone word for 800-242-8478), is available for calling allowing voice conversations with their AI chat system. You can also message the number with WhatsApp at the same number.

It is only experimental at the moment, so there is a time limit (up to 15 minutes a month) and other feature limitations that require an account, such as chatting with images. Calls or messages also may be temporarily stored for safety review or training.

This also comes after the recent release of their latest subscription plan, ChatGPT Pro ($200 per month), which includes unlimited access to the latest models and stronger computing for faster generation amongst other features.

Learn more about their new experimental calling and messaging feature here.

Have you tried this new AI voice feature? Let us know how it went!


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